Chaplaincy Team

Chaplaincy Team

Our chaplaincy team are proudly known as our Ambassadors of Faith, a name chosen by a previous chaplaincy team to reflect their commitment to living out and sharing the Gospel values within our school community. These pupils are excellent role models, leading by example and actively promoting the values of faith, service, and compassion. They meet regularly to plan and initiate student-led activities that reinforce the school’s Catholic mission, inspiring all pupils to ‘shine’ and live out their faith daily.

Some of the key initiatives of our Chaplaincy Team are:

  • Organising and contributing to Liturgical celebrations such as Mass in church, Advent Service, Stations of the Cross and our whole-school Lenten Retreat Day. They also contribute to assemblies and Celebration of the Word both whole-school and class-led. These gatherings, led by senior leaders, help pupils understand how to live according to the teachings of the Gospel. They are engaging, relevant, and tailored to different age groups, ensuring that the message of faith is clearly understood and lived out by every child.
  • Running a weekly lunchtime Prayer Group that welcomes everyone, giving pupils a peaceful space to take time out of their busy day to reflect on Scripture, pray, and spend time with God.

In addition to their spiritual leadership, the Ambassadors of Faith are actively involved in promoting social action within our school and beyond. They lead various projects that encourage all pupils to think about the common good and how we can contribute to human flourishing in society. Through these efforts, our Chaplaincy Team ensures that our school community remains grounded in its mission of service and compassion, fostering respectful behaviour and deepening the faith experience for all. A few examples include:

  • Being involved in a wide range of projects that led to the achievement of CAFOD’s Live Simply Award.
  • Support for the school’s use of Fair Trade products and raising awareness of the CST principle, Dignity of the Worker, highlighting the importance of ethical choices in supporting social justice.
  • Support for the CST principle of Care of Creation through initiatives such as battery, pen, and paper recycling, energy conservation, tree planting, and litter picking, helping to protect and preserve God’s world.
  • Fundraising initiatives such as non-uniform days for CAFOD, The Big Lent Walk and collections for our Local Foodbank.

Our chaplaincy provision is an essential part of St. John’s Catholic Primary School, helping to bring our mission to life and encouraging pupils to live their faith in meaningful, active ways.


Ambassadors of Hope

As we have begun our Year of Jubilee - Pilgrimage of Hope - we have recently introduced a team of children from Year 5 to support us on this journey. This team are known as our 'Ambassadors of Hope'.  They are each assigned to a different year group and visit the classes every 2 weeks to pray, share news and remind us of the themes of renewal, faith, and new beginnings that the Jubilee represents.

As the Ambassadors of Faith in Year 6 begin to look ahead to their transition to secondary school, our Year 5 Ambassadors of Hope will gradually take on the responsibility of becoming our new Chaplaincy Team.