We are a thriving and active Catholic school community, serving the parish of St. Augustine and the Holy Trinity, as well as welcoming families from the surrounding parishes and villages.
Mr T Timson
Read More@StJohns_Baldock
Ofcom has found that, overall, 99% of children in the UK are using social media. That’s almost 14 million young people using sites just like this one. 📈🧒 Download >> https://t.co/aJv0pPA5Fn Listen >> https://t.co/Ps3nWycBFz pic.twitter.com/NNRqxQ6ubv
December 19
Here is another Mark Ten Mission. Please take the time to share with your children. EYFS and KS1: https://t.co/NYI8xwiLYQ KS2: https://t.co/ExyIGyVHmJ
December 10
Welcome back to St. John's this week. Please check the school website for all the school performances for this week. https://t.co/Lv6QTuWEMn
December 9
Here is another Mark Ten Mission. Please take the time to share with your children. EYFS and KS1: https://t.co/PY9oWiuzpl KS2: https://t.co/SHlKc1xXXm
December 3
Please find below the link to the 'Wednesday Word' where the focus this week is Advent. Please share with your children. https://t.co/vRXAv4ZUVR
November 27
Here is another Mark Ten Mission. Please take the time to share with your children. EYFS and KS1: https://t.co/0z4JcNo7Jm KS2: https://t.co/3JaP6DLBJf
November 26